You can find the registration ID in the confirmation email you received upon successfully submitting your data for registration.
For all Students
- Registration for any grade is not final until all the proper documentation is available with the administration, the annual tuition fees are settled in full as per the procedure for the settlement of school fees (see Accounting Procedures below), the signing of the KHDA parent contract, and after the approval of the relevant authority.
- Registration will be cancelled if a student fails to attend the school for a period of 3 consecutive weeks of the academic year without prior written notice.
- The school may take videos and/or photographs of your child(ren) and may use them in the school’s printed publications, as well as on the website or social media platforms. If you do not want your child(ren) to appear in these videos and/or photographs, kindly send an email to your child(ren)’s respective Head of Section.
In addition, for new students:
- All new students from Pre-KG to Grade 12 must sit for a diagnostic assessment and an interview.
- An application and processing fee of AED 525 (Inclusive of VAT) will be charged per student and is:
- Refundable if the school does not offer the student a place.
- Non-refundable if the school offers the student a place but the student did not register.
- Not deductible from the total tuition fees.
- The results of the assessment and interview will not be disclosed until all documents have been submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
- If applying from outside Dubai, legalized transfer papers must be submitted before joining the school.
- If applying from Dubai schools, an authorized leaving certificate and transcript from the previous school issued through the KHDA system must be submitted. The student will not be allowed in class until the leaving certificate is received.
- Grade 10, 11 and 12 students must submit a passport copy in addition to the original Emirates ID.
- Grade 10, 11 and 12 students applying from outside the U.A.E or transferring from a British school within the U.A.E. need to submit an approved equivalency from the Ministry of Education.
The information below defines the standards and regulations that govern the registration, cancellation, and discount procedures as set forth by AMSI. The standards are final and cannot be altered or modified.
- Procedure for the settlement of school fees
- Payment of registration and tuition fees shall be in line with the school policies, provided that there is no remaining balance or delayed payment of fees from the previous year. The school procures books, uniform, and other school materials early in the year. By providing your signature below, you are delegating the school to procure these required items for your child on your behalf, in conformance with the school’s timelines for procurement.
- As per KHDA rules:
The school will charge 5% of the total fee amount for returning students (10% for new students), as a registration fee, to be paid within the time frame specified by the school and is deductible from the tuition fee of the first term of the academic year.
- If the school fees are paid by the employer, the parent should provide an official letter from the company stating the same and deposit a security cheque with the full amount as well, to be returned once the company settles the full fees.
- On transportation registration
The fees for any required school serviced transportation must be settled upon registration along with the registration fees.
- On late enrollment
- If a new student enrolls during the academic year, the school can charge tuition fees starting from the month of enrollment and AED 1500 for processing fees. For example, if a student enrolls in the 3rd week of October, the school can charge tuition fees from the beginning of October
- In case of a late enrollment discount, any other discount shall not apply, including sibling discount.
- Transportation: Any registration before the month of January shall incur full transportation fees. Any registration during the month of January: Divide the value of the transportation cost by 10 months multiplied by the number of remaining months. Any registration starting from the first of February shall incur 50% of the transportation fees, pending availability.
- Special Classes: any registration before the end of January shall incur full fees. Any registration starting from the first of February shall incur 50% of the fees.
- If a new student enrolls during the academic year, the school can charge tuition fees starting from the month of enrollment and AED 1500 for processing fees. For example, if a student enrolls in the 3rd week of October, the school can charge tuition fees from the beginning of October
- On activity registration
Activity registration may be completed with an Online / cash or current/cheque payment immediately upon registration. Please note that the Accounts Department will issue a final registered participant sheet and cross tally it against actual participants.
- Any participant who does not complete the registration procedures will be removed from the activity.
- Any registration prior to and through the end of January, shall incur full activity fees.
- Any registration starting from the first of February shall incur 50% of the activity fees.
- On Cancellations and Refunds
- Registration
- The registration fee is non-refundable unless there are extenuating circumstances. These include, but are not limited to, evidence of family/student relocation to another country/emirate or any unforeseen circumstances.
- Tuition
- Tuition fees paid prior to the beginning of the academic year are refundable and only the registration/ re-registration fees will be deducted plus AED 500 transportation cancellation fee (if applicable).
- After the start of the school year and receiving the books and uniform:
- Registration
- If the student attends school for two weeks or less, one month’s tuition fee will be deducted.
- If the student attends a period ranging between two weeks and one month, two months' tuition fees will be deducted.
- If the student attends for more than a month, the full term’s tuition fee will be deducted.
- All deliverables are non-refundable, examples: books, school uniform, ICT bundle, activities.
- All non-mandatory activity fees are non-refundable after a week from commencement of the activity.
- Fees for after school academic support are non-refundable for sessions taken or skipped.
- Refunds and cheque withdrawals requests cannot be made during July and August and will be accepted and processed, if approved, as of the first week of September.
- Transportation
Refund Structure
- For cancellations prior to the end of January, the cost of transportation shall be divided by 10 months, and then multiplied by the number of months the service was used. The balance shall be refunded to parents after deducting a one-month processing fee.
- For cancellations as of the first of February, parents shall not be entitled to any refund.
- Families who register for the transportation service at the beginning of the year but wish to stop the service at any time should inform the school within a maximum of two weeks from stopping the service in order to be eligible for a refund. A cancellation request should be submitted using the Bus Cancellation Form.
- Activities
Refund Structure
- For any cancellation, from the date of enrollment through the first week of the activity, parents shall be entitled to a refund after deducting a one-month activity fee.
- For cancellations after one week of commencement of the activity, parents shall not be entitled to any refund.
Important Notes:
- A student who is suspended from any activity as deemed necessary by the academic administration, or expelled from school for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entitled to any refund.
- No refunds shall be made to the parents unless their account is fully settled, and there are no outstanding payments due in the form of post-dated cheque(s) or other.
- Refunds will be made to the entity that settled the amount with the school.
- Cancellation requests should be submitted in writing and must carry a valid reason. The Accounts Department will consider the date of the submitted written request in their calculation.
- Returning students are not permitted to attend classes in the following year unless all outstanding balances have been settled.
- Student diploma/certificates, school reports, transcripts and/or Leaving Certificates will be released once all outstanding balances and school requirements are cleared.
- On Discounts
- The Accounts Department will apply only the standard sibling discount in case of the registration of one or more sibling at any Al Mawakeb campus in the UAE.
- The sibling discount is applicable only after the parents have settled any outstanding invoice or account and is only granted to zero balance accounts.
- For students who receive a scholarship, the respective amount will be credited towards the balance of the tuition fees of the student if payment was made in part. If payment was made in full, then the amount will be deducted from the tuition fees of the next academic year.
- On Returned Cheques and unsecured payments (cheque withdrawal)
- Any returned cheque shall be reimbursed in cash and not replaced by another cheque. Charges of AED 500 shall be added to the settled amount to be also collected in cash.
- Any discount (if applicable), including sibling discount, will be void in the case of a returned cheque.
- An AED 350 processing fee shall be charged for a cheque withdrawal request prior to the deposit due date. This fee shall be settled in cash along with a withdrawal request letter. (The request letter must be dated at least 15 working days before the cheque’s due date).
- Families need to submit a new cheque or pay cash or by credit card within 15 days in order to collect the old cheque.
- Withdrawal/deferral requests are allowed within a maximum period of 30 days before the cheque is due.
- The date of a replacement cheque made in a current year cannot exceed March 31st of that year.
- A cheque withdrawal request to defer payment can be availed only once per academic year.
- Withdrawal requests are subject to approvals.
- If fees are not paid, the school has the right to implement the necessary actions as stipulated in the related KHDA’s rules and regulation.
On Emergency treatment
I hereby authorize the medical personnel of Al Mawakeb School or any other qualified medical officer to administer emergency treatment and/or first aid treatment that my child(ren) may need during a normal school day or during any school supervised activity.
Furthermore, in the case of emergency, and if I am not reachable, I authorize the school to send my child to the hospital or medical center for the necessary tests and treatments.
Personal Accident Cover (PAC)
The school provides accident insurance policy cover to all students while in school or during any school-endorsed activity. Under this policy, our students are covered as per a set scope and limit during school hours or during any school-endorsed activity – Terms and Conditions apply.
- Registration for all transport services will be suspended one week before the start of the academic year and will resume one week after start, pending availability.
- In case of address change, a 5-working day advance notice and map are required before the school can reinstitute the transport service and only if the new location is on a designated route.
- The administration reserves the right to suspend/deny any student the use of the transportation service if he/she does not abide by the set bus rules and regulations. The student will be responsible for any damage to the transportation buses.
- The administration reserves the right to revoke the seat allocated to the student(s) at registration even after the bus route is confirmed.
- The school reserves the right to allocate collection and drop off points to certain areas, streets, compounds, and multiple entry buildings. Such allocation, if any, would be announced to those registered upon finalization of the transport routes.
The Transport Administration
- The transport service operators cannot wait to pick up a student beyond the time that has been allocated to him/her.
- Any student (PreK-Gr4) who is not collected at the point of delivery shall be returned to school and his/her parents will be contacted to collect him/her.
- There might be restrictions on the motion of buses due to road/construction/or similar aspects. The school transport administration reserves the right to allocate the pick-up and/or drop-off point and time based on the factors that improve the overall efficiency of the operation and not on the personal needs of the user.
We look forward to seeing your children next academic year.
Kindly note that:
- Registration will only be confirmed when a payment is made.
- Re-registration is only possible once any outstanding balance for the 2024-2025 academic year is settled. You may do so by visiting the "Re-Registration Payment 25-26” module.
Please follow the steps below to start the Re-Registration process.
- Update your existing profile.
- Select the child you wish to re-register for the coming academic year
- Add "New Child" if you wish to register a new sibling.
Once you finalize the re-registration details, please go to the "Re-Registration Payment 25-26" module to review your proforma invoice for 2025-2026 and:
- If you want to pay the FULL amount, click on “Pay Online”. You will receive an email confirming the registration within the next 2 working days. Please check your junk email if you do not receive the registration email in your inbox. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please email us at
- If you want to schedule your payments, click on “Book appointment” to choose a suitable date and timing. You will receive an email confirming the appointment. Please check your junk email if you do not receive the appointment booking email in your inbox. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please email us at